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Sunday, January 3, 2010


What better way to kick off 2010 than with yet another new Android tablet PC? This one is (possibly) called the 'Home' tablet. Cloned In China reports that this device comes from a Chinese manufacturer, its development is ongoing, and that 'Home' might not be its final name. We know this gadget will have a 7" screen, but other then that its hardware is a mystery.

In terms of form, the Home seems to be a slick, minimalist tablet. It's just a big touchscreen and a thin black body with no discernible ornamentation. This isn't the first Android tablet we've seen in the last few days, and it won't be the last. A lot of manufacturers are betting on 7"-10" tablets being the ideal size to pull the mass of customers in. We'll see. All tablet PCs share the same problem; a difficult-to-define niche. A tablet PC isn't a smartphone; it is much more powerful but much less portable. You can't stick a 7" tablet in most pockets and take it with you wherever you go. So tablets are too big to be used like a smartphone, but too weak to fully replace your laptop or desktop computer. What exactly is their purpose then? Where do these gadgets belong? If the answer to that question exists anywhere, I've got a feeling we're going to learn it this year. 2010 is the year of the tablet, for better or for worse.